"It is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political, and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm" [said Santorum] of the clergy sexual abuse scandal. In a brief interview with The Globe on Tuesday, Santorum reiterated his view that the ''basic liberal attitude" in Boston fostered an environment where sexual abuse of children could occur.This incredible affront to the state of Massachusetts is Falwell-esque and utterly beyond the pale. It's particularly absurd given that Massachusetts, far from being some orgiastic sexual haven, has the lowest divorce rate in the nation. Even worse, Santorum's "values" were on display this week as he successfully conned a school district in Pennsylvania to pay for the home-schooling of his children in, umm, Virginia.
Fortunately, like the plucky Red Sox, Bostonians (The Globe and Ted Kennedy) are hitting back. For more about the hideousness of Sen. Santorum, click here.
1 comment:
So instead of commenting on the leaders of his own Roman Catholic church, he attacks the innocent victims and citizens of Massachusetts.
What a despicable human being, Santorum. It demonstrates his utter ignorance of the so-called "Bible Belt's" nation-leading divorce, teen pregnancy, abortion, and crime rates.
No good could possibly come from such divisive hate-talk from a prominent national leader directed at innocent Americans.
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