Thursday, July 07, 2005

The religious right steps up (finally!)

For years, the religious right has focused obsessively on restricting abortion rights, electing Republicans and demonizing gays. In the process, they've painted themselves as a rather un-Christian lot.

But there is good news out of the recent Southern Baptist Convention and from the National Association of Evangelicals. Apparently a few of them started reading the New Testament again and figured out that Christ was far more concerned about another issue- poverty.

At long last, the religious right is responding to that call and working to alleviate world poverty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing the reading I don't have time to do. I am very encouraged by your clip on the Southern Baptist Convention's turnaround (or turn-a-little-around). It is great to be kept up to date on happenings that don't get the press they deserve.