Friday, September 09, 2005

Tax cuts + a war of choice + a natural disaster = fiscal doom

As the situation in Iraq continued to worsen this summer it was starting to become clear that the war was no longer an endeavor our government could afford. Still, Republicans in Congress continued their relentless pursuit of tax cuts for the wealthy, at least until this week. Now that Hurricane Katrina has invaded our political landscape and Congress has responded with over $60 billion to get us through the next few weeks, it is becoming clear that something's got to give.

Will it be their beloved tax cuts or the misguided effort in Iraq?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First, Bush was Mr. Scrooge relative to FEMA. Now he's a spendthrift run amok. What is with this guy? I am afraid we are all going to pay for his presidency far into the future. Good job for focusing on this pressing issue.