In an insightful commentary about oil consumption as foreign policy, Fareed Zakaria describes how our dependence on oil has us in a Catch-22 situation with brutal regimes throughout the Middle East.
This week, the Bush administration made a half-assed attempt to address the problem, but it will probably take $5 per gallon gas prices for our government and the American people to change their ways.
Bring it on.
Blog tools tackle content management
Deploying a full-blown ECM system to address basic corporate content publishing and workflow needs has been likened to trying to kill a fly with a rocket launcher.
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Threadwatch Bloggers go Live
Threadwatch has recently persuaded some of it's more knowledgeable members to run specific blogs, or columns.
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Please keep on this issue. It is critical that our lawmakers do something about it. When they finally tune into the damage being done by our automakers and oil suppliers, Americans are going to rue the day the Supreme Court declared a loser President of the United States.
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