Thursday, August 25, 2005

A responsible path out of Iraq

The left-wing blogosphere is salivating at Bush's plummeting poll numbers, claiming they are a justification to bring the troops home. But nowhere in their emotional cries is an answer to the question of what is right both for Iraq and the U.S., Daily Kos, The Nation, Cindy Sheehan, et al. are simply and irrationally spouting for our government to bring the troops home.

What happens if we abandon Iraq and a civil war breaks out? What happens if Iraq becomes like Afghanistan under the Taliban? What happens if Iran then invades Iraq? As Colin Powell foretold, we broke Iraq, now we own it. We may not have wanted this war, but we now owe it to the Iraqi people to help them stabilize their country.

Unfortunately, Nicholas von Hoffman may be right in this satirical post. On another note, this clipmonkey leaves it to George Will to remind us of the danger Democrats are courting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, a thoughtful commentary on the political scene. I appreciate your openness to many views, as well as your willingness to second a needed warning for the Democrats regarding the next presidential election!