Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A culture of hypocrisy

President Bush's recent comments about embracing a "culture of life" are laughable. When you look at the numbers of people who have died because of his official actions or inaction, Bush has NEVER erred on the side of life.

U.S. Soldiers killed in Iraq= 1,542 and counting.
Civilians killed in Iraq= 17,316 and counting.
Civilians killed in Afghanistan= 3,500+.
Executions in Texas under Governor Bush= 152.
Federal executions under President Bush= 2.

And who knows how many more people have died or will die because of President Bush's complicity with the NRA. In particular, we can thank Bush and Wayne LaPierre for allowing the assault weapons ban to expire.

He's no Pol Pot, but he's racked up some pretty good numbers. Fortunately, a few voices in the MSM are pointing out what a sham Bush's statements truly are. Special thanks go to Jonathan Alter in Newsweek and Nicholas Kristof in the NYT.

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