Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Answering Rove, Part II

The funny thing about Karl Rove's recent statement about the way liberals responded to the 9/11 attacks, aside from its laughable dishonesty, is that President Bush himself responded to the attacks in a moderate, restrained way.

While the loathsome Ann Coulter was proposing that we "invade [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity," President Bush was visiting a mosque in Washington, DC to show the world that we should not lash out against Muslims. President Bush even patiently waited 4 weeks to attack Afghanistan.

What would Al Gore have done? Well, he probably would have started bombing Afghanistan within hours of the attacks, in part to shut up wing nuts like Coulter and those on the Fox News Channel. He would have acted quickly to show the terrorists that he was not a weak-kneed liberal.

Oh, and one more thing, Karl, you can bet that Al Gore would have kept our soldiers in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan until he found bin Laden. That's where the real front in the War on Terror was before all the terrorists were lured to Iraq.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep on "Answering Rove"!