Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Is Tom DeLay pro-abortion?

Tom DeLay fancies himself a good Christian. So it's a bit surprising to hear that he was once quite fond of the labor policies governing the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands- a place where female sweatshop workers were once (and may still be) forced to have abortions so that they can keep punching the clock.

Considering that the corrupt Christian pulled the plug on his dad in 1988, I guess we should have known. The "culture of life" blather is merely a ruse to gain power and pursue humanity-destroying economic policies.

The American Prospect lays out another important aspect of the DeLay scandal- much of the Hammer's sleazy behavior was perfectly legal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are highlighting Delay's support of inhumane American sweatshops. He should be ashamed of himself, but if he isn't he should at least be publicly shamed for them. B.Vogt