Friday, May 13, 2005

The artistry of abusing power

Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, and even Washington gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi, may not know it, but they are painting a picture of a craven party, drunk on power, and insatiable in its appetites. Their respective quests for self-interest over the public interest have taken them and their cohorts to great lengths.

Two years ago, Tom DeLay ignored the tradition of post-census redistricting. This year, his pals in the House overturned long-standing ethics rules to protect him (since reinstated due to public pressure). In the Senate, Majority Leader Frist is on the verge of going "nuclear" so that 7 judges with truly bizarre views may be installed for life in our federal courts. Meanwhile, former Washington state senator Dino Rossi continues to try to overturn an election for governor that was decided months ago.

An albeit somewhat bloated Al Gore said it best in his recent speech on Frist's effort to eliminate the filibuster, "The proposal from the Senate majority leader to abolish the right of unlimited debate is a poison pill for America's democracy. It is the stalking horse for a dangerous American heresy that would substitute persuasion on the merits with bullying and an effort at partisan domination."

As DC clipmonkey wrote last week, the script has been written. Republicans would be wise to cast their hubris aside.

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