Thursday, May 26, 2005

Everything in moderation

John McCain captured the hearts of moderates as well as many on both the left and right during the 2000 election, but was ultimately taken down by the nasty political machine of Karl Rove. Since losing to President Bush, however, McCain has been a tremendous thorn in the side of Republicans. His opposition to the Bush Administration even had John Kerry approaching him to do the unthinkable- join Kerry's ticket for the White House.

McCain is despised by most Republicans for his reasonable stances on campaign finance reform, gun control, and government spending, and now that hatred may boil over because McCain chose to do the reasonable-compromise- on the filibuster issue.

McCain and 13 other senators demonstrated real leadership this week, giving the American people a nice reprieve from the "take no prisoners" approach to politics that dominates the current political climate. This is an important victory for the center and bodes well for other looming political fights.

Hopefully it will also be a lesson to Bill Frist and Tom DeLay about what true leadership is.

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