Friday, May 06, 2005

Burning down the House

The playbook is already out there. Newt Gingrich put it together in the late 1980s. Slash, burn, rip, tear apart the Congress even if it costs you some friendly-fire casualties. As with then-Speaker Jim Wright and Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, there are villains in place including one particularly sleazy guy. And like Hillarycare, there is an incredibly unpopular proposal out there that would affect every American.

Many are ripping the Dems for not offering enough ideas. But what did the Republicans offer when Clinton was president? They offered investigations, bogus scandals, witch hunts, and payoffs to their corporate cronies. Since the Dems are in the minority, they can't perform the witch hunts with the same gusto. But why should they offer any ideas at all?

If the table isn't set for a major resurgence for the Democrats in Congress, then I don't know when it will be.

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